Saturday, November 8, 2008


Thank you...
For the soft gaze when you look at me,
The sweet smile you give me,
The touch that's all mine,
The love that's divine.
For the warmth of your hand holding mine,
fingers tightly entwined,
Your kiss that weakens each sense,
Each touch that brings suspense.
Each caress that's oh so tender
When we make love in total surrender,
Each breath, each gasp, each whisper,
as our bodies move together.
For the patience and understanding,
Even when this girl gets unnerving!
For the way you know me inside out,
For believing in me without a doubt.
For being my anchor and all,
The net to catch my fall,
My wings to touch the sky,
The strength that keeps me high.
For being my one true love,
My biggest grace from above,
Dearest sweetheart, ever faithful,
To you I will always be grateful.

Thank you...
For your heart and soul,
Your very all.
Now and always rest assured,
I am yours. I am yours.